Sunday, December 2, 2012

#5 Advent Season ♥

We as a couple we also need to have our spiritual lives to be improve not just about opposite gender love. We decided to celebrate advent for we want to be more attach through God's presence. 

Advent is no longer new to us for we already experience it during our highschool days. We came from different schools but they are run by a Catholic Sisters such as Benedictine order. They required to do the said celebration with the family and a documentation about it.  

We started Celebrating advent yesterday December 2, 2012 together. We prayed for the present and our future. 

We want Christ to be at the center of our relationship. Relationship with out CHRIST is like a CAR WITHOUT GASOLINE, NO DESTINATION. 

Below is some brief discussion about Advent Season.

Advent comes from the Latin word ADVENTUS means "COMING"
At this time we celebrate the coming of our Lord. If we lose the feeling of expectation and joyful anticipation during this season and at the end of it, everything will return to the normal routine this means, our preparation is lacking and we are not so familiar with its real meaning.

During this season we recall the history of God's people, reflect on the prophecies and the fulfillment of the prophecies which is JESUS CHRIST. This will serve as a background for the PRESENT, help us track records from the PAST and will begin an understanding of what it really means to us now, for the sake of the coming, in our own FUTURE and so as with the world.

The vision of Advent Season is to look back to the first coming of Christ at the Bethlehem and looks at the future wherein Christ will come. Between those two event is the span of time given to us by God to discover the true meaning of Christian Life.

Christ remains anywhere, with us in his Spirit, in the Scriptures,in the Sacraments, in the church and in each other.

Advent is the time to indulge ourselves to spiritual activities, more aware with the real meaning of responsible life as a Christian. Therefore, we are not only preparing for Christmas but also foe Jesus Christ Second coming.

The Advent Wreath is an European Tradition which teaches youth and people on preparation for his coming.

Purple/Violet: Repent
Pink: Joy
Circle: Everlasting Life
Red: Christ's Blood
Nuts, Seedpods and cones: Resurrection
Fruit: Nourishing Fruitfulness of the Christina Life

First Week: A Season of Hope
What are your understandings about the gospel? 
What are your fears and Hopes?

Second Week: A History of Salvation
What are your understandings about the gospel? 
Where do you experience light, joy, mercy and justice?

Third Week: A Promise of Joy 
What are your understandings about the gospel? 
How will you response to Jesus and John? 
What will you do?

Fourth Week and Christmas: The Word Made Flesh
What are your understandings about the gospel? 
Are you listening?




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