Tuesday, December 25, 2012

#8 Royal Krua Thai: Authentic Thai Cuisine

Last December 14,2012,  I made my friendships and my love, Potskie go together in a simple dinner. We decided to try a new cuisine. So, we dine in at Royal Krua Thai located at 1st level of SM City Cebu. It's an authentic thai cuisine which started since 2000.

Their food is truly mouth watering. They serve foods at a hot temperature. Their dishes are in medium size and at a very reasonable price. They also prepared it fresh and flavorful with every ample portion. We ordered their best selling and exotic cuisine. Their service is good. The ambiance is great. The place is well furnished and the interior design is awesome. Potskie was really amaze with their interior design. 

Their Bestselling

Golden Spoon and Fork

We'll surely be going back to ROYAL KRUA THAI. :)


Monday, December 24, 2012

#7 Friendship; The best SHIP to ride

December 11, 2012, was a busy day for us Potskie. He works 8-10 hours a day and I as a student do what student usually do STUDY and HANGOUT with friends.
Along with my friendships Kristine and Edjane we went to Sm City Cebu.
The 3 of us are both stressed due to our return demonstration at school. And it was a fulfillment of our last month's plan of bonding.
If people would see us in personal maybe at one look they can already figure out our best bonding activity, which is EATING.

Kristine suggested a delicious yet affordable restaurant beside Sunburst at 1st level of SM City named Lai Garden. We usually ate at Sunburst but for a change we tried what Kristine suggested. 

They have combo meals which cost at around 99php to 150php with free soup, dessert and an additional 10php for drinks. They also have family meals which cost at a range of 599php to 999php. Kristine and Edjane had fried chicken, fried rice, 2 siomai and canton which cost 139php while me had sweet & sour chicken, 2 siomai, fried rice and canton which cost 119php. It really satisfied our appetite. 

After a heavy meal we rewarded ourselves with a healthy milk tea :) of Bubble Bee Tea which is located at SM Northwing. Their crew was so polite and jolly. The place was quiet and relaxing but they have small area. 

Kristine had a Vanilla Green Milk Tea, Edjane had Strawberry Milk Tea and I, had Honey Green Milk Tea.
That was the most delicious Milk Tea I ever tasted (How I wish Potskie was there). That was the first time Kristine and Edjane tasted milk tea and didn't let them down.

Price Range: Php 90.00 - Php 150.00


Sunday, December 23, 2012

#6 Moonleaf Tea Shop

Pacman vs Dinameta was the talk of the nation last December 9, 2011. Cayang bet for Dinameta while I, bet  for Pacman. The loser will give a free milk tea who ever will be the winner.

But unfortunately, the pride of Philippines lose and that made me give Cayang a free milk tea the next day.

After my work we went to Moonleaf Tea Shop which is located at G/F Elipe Bldg. Pelaez Ext., 6000 Cebu City.

The place was quiet small but it has a stress relieving atmosphere. You can study there if you want a peaceful place.

Cayang ordered their wintermelon milk tea while I, ordered their house milk tea. The prices are so affordable. Super budget friendly to students and the size is so satisfying. The taste is good, you could really taste the tea itself. The tea's effect gave me a very good oz that night. :)

Price Range: Php 60.00-110.00
Add on: Php 10.00

We didn't stay too long at Moonleaf because it was already around 9 in the evening and Cayang needs to go home.

Name: Moonleaf Tea Shop - Cebu
Location: G/F Elipe Bldg. Pelaez Ext., 6000 Cebu City
Facebook: Moonleaf Tea Shop - Cebu

-Potskie- Teastebuds

Sunday, December 2, 2012

#5 Advent Season ♥

We as a couple we also need to have our spiritual lives to be improve not just about opposite gender love. We decided to celebrate advent for we want to be more attach through God's presence. 

Advent is no longer new to us for we already experience it during our highschool days. We came from different schools but they are run by a Catholic Sisters such as Benedictine order. They required to do the said celebration with the family and a documentation about it.  

We started Celebrating advent yesterday December 2, 2012 together. We prayed for the present and our future. 

We want Christ to be at the center of our relationship. Relationship with out CHRIST is like a CAR WITHOUT GASOLINE, NO DESTINATION. 

Below is some brief discussion about Advent Season.

Advent comes from the Latin word ADVENTUS means "COMING"
At this time we celebrate the coming of our Lord. If we lose the feeling of expectation and joyful anticipation during this season and at the end of it, everything will return to the normal routine this means, our preparation is lacking and we are not so familiar with its real meaning.

During this season we recall the history of God's people, reflect on the prophecies and the fulfillment of the prophecies which is JESUS CHRIST. This will serve as a background for the PRESENT, help us track records from the PAST and will begin an understanding of what it really means to us now, for the sake of the coming, in our own FUTURE and so as with the world.

The vision of Advent Season is to look back to the first coming of Christ at the Bethlehem and looks at the future wherein Christ will come. Between those two event is the span of time given to us by God to discover the true meaning of Christian Life.

Christ remains anywhere, with us in his Spirit, in the Scriptures,in the Sacraments, in the church and in each other.

Advent is the time to indulge ourselves to spiritual activities, more aware with the real meaning of responsible life as a Christian. Therefore, we are not only preparing for Christmas but also foe Jesus Christ Second coming.

The Advent Wreath is an European Tradition which teaches youth and people on preparation for his coming.

Purple/Violet: Repent
Pink: Joy
Circle: Everlasting Life
Red: Christ's Blood
Nuts, Seedpods and cones: Resurrection
Fruit: Nourishing Fruitfulness of the Christina Life

First Week: A Season of Hope
What are your understandings about the gospel? 
What are your fears and Hopes?

Second Week: A History of Salvation
What are your understandings about the gospel? 
Where do you experience light, joy, mercy and justice?

Third Week: A Promise of Joy 
What are your understandings about the gospel? 
How will you response to Jesus and John? 
What will you do?

Fourth Week and Christmas: The Word Made Flesh
What are your understandings about the gospel? 
Are you listening?




#4 Dec. 2: 1st Sunday .of Advent

Christmas is an annual commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ & it is celebrated by billions of people in the world. Sometimes it is misinterpret by people especially children. Instead of preparing ourselves for the coming and the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ they are more focus on gifts and SANTA CLAUS. That's the biggest mistake of people during Christmas.

Christmas is about LOVE AND PREPARING OURSELVES FOR THE COMING OF OUR LORD this is called Advent season. It is the time wherein christian churches is waiting, remembering, & a preparation for the celebration of the nativity of Jesus Christ. 

Below is the recent prayer for the first Sunday of advent:

Dec 2 : 1st Sunday of Advent. Share the Gospel.

Luke. 21:25-28, 34-36

Jesus said to his disciples:"There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, and on earth nations will be in dismay, perplexed by the roaring of the sea and the waves. People will die of fright in anticipation of what is coming upon the world, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. But when these signs begin to happen, stand erect and raise your heads because your redemption is at hand."Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy from carousing and drunkenness and the anxieties of daily life, and that day catch you by surprise like a trap.For that day will assault everyone who lives on the face of the earth.Be vigilant at all times and pray that you have the strength to escape the tribulations that are imminent and to stand before the Son of Man."

Purple/Violet: Repent
Pink: Joy
Circle: Everlasting Life
Red: Christ's Blood

Nuts, Seedpods and cones: Resurrection
Fruit: Nourishing Fruitfulness of the Christina Life

Let's celebrate CHRISTMAS through PRAYERS and SPREADING LOVE. May you have a Blissful CHRISTMAS BLOGGERS :D

-Potskie.TEAste Buds

Friday, November 30, 2012

#3 Cuppy Cakes - Cebu ♥

Eating is already a part of our bonding time. 
So, we always end up looking for yummy foods that will surely satisfy our appetites.

Using facebook is another easy way of searching for FOOD, aside from Google. :) And as we search, we found out a fan page of delicious CAKES and CUPCAKES which is called CUPPY CAKES- CEBU. From then on cakes and cupcakes are always part of our every month celebration.

1st set of Cupcakes we ordered for Potskie's Birthday

 We contact the owner of the said fan page and ordered cakes and cupcakes for different occasions. 
It was owned by a couple named Ms. Donna Mae Teves and Mr.Lindley Ocio. Their cakes and cupcakes was so delicious and tasty especially when it melts into your mouth. Aside from the taste, the designs were really amazing. Every details that you wanted to have for a cake design will be 100% followed. 

Christening and Baby Shower Cake

They also have different baked products, which are Brownies, Lasagna, Customized Fondant Cakes, Gourmet Cupcakes, and Customized Cupcakes

Cayang's Little Brothers Birthday Cake

They actually don't have fixed prices for their cakes. Each cake is custom-made/done according to your specifications and prices vary depending on the size, height, design other matters about the cake. There are charges for deliveries. 

It was a great pleasure being able to taste their delicious Cakes and Cupcakes.

Name: Cuppy Cakes- Cebu
Location: Banilad, Cebu City, Phls.
Phone: 0922 610 0170
Email: cuppycakescebu@yahoo.com
Facebook: Cuppy Cakes- Cebu

~TEAste Buds~

#2 DesTEAny. Find your Match ♥

It was a hot afternoon of November 30, 2012 when we decided to go to somewhere else. A friend of ours suggested a TEA STAND at Robinson Lawaan, Talisay City, Cebu. So without any second thoughts we flew right away. As we arrived at the place we looked for the stand which was located at the left side, as you enter the place. The Tea Stand name was DesTEAny. 


They had different flavors of milk tea such as: Classic Milk Tea, Choco Overload Milk Tea, Taro Milk Tea, Wintermelon Milk Tea, Caramel Milk Tea, Strawbery Milk Tea and Green Tea.

Classic Milk Tea & Green Tea

Potskie had a Classic Milk Tea and mine was Green Tea. The taste of the green tea was a little bit of sour but It was good. Potskie had a great time with his classic milk tea. He could really taste the milk and the tea. He said the blend of both taste was amazing. Not so sweet just normal and in that way
 I made him a TEA LOVER. ♥

They only have one size for the milk tea and it was satisfying, I didn't even drink everything for it was too much for me.

That was indeed a memorable one for it was our first time to try MILK TEA.

Budget Range: Php 50.00- Php 70.00 (Philippine Money)

Name: DesTEAny. Find your Match

Location: Robinson Lawaan, Talisay City, Cebu
Facebook: DesTEAny


#1 Reasons of making this BLOG

Hello everyone :) It's our first time having and making a blog.
 We won't be pretending to be an english and grammar genius. Maybe we'll just be using those common words for easy understanding and communication.

We are a couple inspired by a blog that we accidentally surf in the internet. Her blog was about foods and a lot of FOODS. And we are also SUPER INSPIRED by our ENGLISH INSTRUCTOR's WEBSITE with her fiance. It was an updates of their wedding preparation. Their love story was also posted.
So, we decided to make one. Aside from a little bit of being envy with the blog and website we can sight reasons why we made this blog:

First, we want to SHARE our experiences together and experiences in exploring life. Share tips and ways how too have fun without spending too much money and Share our NEVER-ENDING LOVESTORY.

Second, we want to DISCOVER more about life's secrets. This blog would give us another reason to explore and indulge ourselves in adventures.

Third, we want to be more ATTACH and CLOSE with each other. This will help us grow and know each other more.

And most of all, WE LOVE FOODS and LOTS of FOODS. This blog will be more on FOODS, on TEA  HOUSE and on RESTAURANT HOPPING.

You can stay connected with us through this different accounts:

Twitter Accounts:

Thank You! ~TEAste Buds